Thomas .vs. The World
Veracious or spurious? Though Thomas Edison is the person that comes to mind when thinking of a lightbulb he was not the only individual to contribute towards the development of the lightbulb. The first successful commercial lightbulb appeared relativly earlier than Edison's creation in 1879. "In 1800, Italian inventor Alessandro Volta developed the first practical method of generating electricity with the Voltaic Pile. It was comprised of alternating discs of zinc and copper and interspersed with layers of cardboards soaked in salt water, the pile conducted electricity when a copper wire was connected at either end." After Volta came "Humphry Davy, an English chemist and inventor, produced the world's first electric lamp by connecting voltaic piles to charcoal electrodes. Davy's 1802 invention was known as an electric arc lamp, named for the bright arc of light emitted between its two carbon rods. While Davy's arc lamp was certainly an improvement on Volta's stand-alone piles, it still wasn't a very practical source of lighting. This rudimentary lamp burned out quickly and was much too bright for use in a home or workspace. But the principles behind Davy's arc light were used throughout the 1800s in the development of many other electric lamps and bulbs." Even though these few people that i have given background on contributed to the evolution of many forms to produce light Edison created the blueprint for the modern source of light that we use today.
Written well. However, I see a background but I don’t see an argument here. As a reader I would like to hear more about Thomas Edison and I want to see your point. For example: what do you think about Thomas Edison continuing to receive credits for inventing the light bulb. Also , it looks like you used sources but you don’t have any sources listed.